Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (light novel)
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First half of the season is horrible, however is it worse then the second half?
Feb 11, 7:02 PM
Spoiler warning up til' episode 7. *RANT* WHERE THE FCK IS THE DUNGEON. What is this fcking sh*t!? God (freya) damn it. Horrible drama. I mean I could just drop this shit since it's never been good but I actually liked the animation. The story is obviously stupid and this season is just horribly boring fucking gaslight bullshit by a pathetic god. Where is the fucking dungeon and where is the fucking girls. It doesn't even do the whole creepiness and horror aspects of mindfkcery well. It's simply annoying and I rather watch some well written psychological anime to scratch that itch. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE DUNGEONS AND GIRLS. I'm here for the soundeffects and crappy childish ecchi combined with actually good and dark fighting scenes, god damn it i miss last season. Why has half season passed and he's barely questioning anything, he's memory isn't even hazy and he knows what kind of psychotic c*nt that Freya GOD is. I re-watched last season for this, feels like wasted even more time. I know I can simply just skip watching it but because of last season I was actually looking forward to this so the disappointment and rage is not simply because this is pure trash; it's that because this PURE TRASH exists I can not have a good season 5 :@ *END OF RANT* QUESTION: I've watched 6 episodes and absolutely nothing interesting has happens and the only action has been training ground with irrelevant characters + our MC and his universe's lamest attack ever (fireball). Judging by the titles of episodes i assume this horribly bad mind-game and LACK OF main cast, dungeon, girls (NOTFUCKINGgodWH'**EfreyaSHEisNOTaGIRL) and bloody actual death is going to go on until the end? |
Feb 11, 7:17 PM
You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else. |
Feb 11, 7:31 PM
Reply to Moppit
You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else.
@Moppit I know I Know but I can't read while I eat damn it :'D Jokes aside I very much like dark psychological manga and I do enjoy some bloody and/or shounen fights. Friendship is magic. But please this stupid child making stupid choices or taking stupid actions must be at a ridiculously unbelievably dangerous situations. Not this lame uneventful shit with Freya. Have you watch it though? Is it Freya (ageless god) with drama(schoolgirl) through and through? |
Feb 11, 7:37 PM
You want a dungeon and girls and dark violence? Solo Levelling. I thought Dan Machi was stuck in a rut and this new direction gave it a boost, but I accept it’s not for everyone. But it is what it is, it’s written already and ranting won’t change anything. There’s plenty of girls in dungeon anime just this season, move on. |
Feb 11, 7:49 PM
well that's 4 minutes I'll never get back. |
Feb 11, 7:50 PM
Reply to FutoiOtaku
You want a dungeon and girls and dark violence? Solo Levelling. I thought Dan Machi was stuck in a rut and this new direction gave it a boost, but I accept it’s not for everyone. But it is what it is, it’s written already and ranting won’t change anything. There’s plenty of girls in dungeon anime just this season, move on.
@FutoiOtaku No...Not really, I only want the dark violence part, the over the top body parts flying kind. I actually really don't like the "one stronk MC childboy" animies meant for self-insert teenage bois. I read dragon ball and one piece when I was young and kinda enjoy the nostalgic feeling the sound effects and the mountains turning into Cubism paintings that watching anime now can provide. But for a actual good read I want stuff like Shigahime. The rant was indeed not going to fix anything however I wasn't capable to write my question without venting. I still haven't watch the latter part of the season so it is a serious question, if it's worth it or if I'll be even more disappointed. |
Feb 11, 7:51 PM
Reply to LordJehZeus
well that's 4 minutes I'll never get back.
@LordJehZeus You can have 6 of mine ;* |
Feb 11, 8:03 PM
Personally I think it redeemed itself in the most recent episode and all the build up was worth it. A true 10/10 episode to me, but I won’t spoil as you’re not there. |
Feb 11, 9:07 PM
1/10 ragebait, didn't even get me annoyed at it |
Feb 11, 9:43 PM
i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing. |
Feb 11, 10:48 PM
this kid does not have any reading comprehension, you should drop anime and manga alltogether if you are gonna be like this 🤣 |
Feb 11, 10:51 PM
SuntProstMare said: i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing. you should join this guy and quit while you are ahead 🤣 what clowns. |
Feb 11, 11:04 PM
Reply to FutoiOtaku
Personally I think it redeemed itself in the most recent episode and all the build up was worth it. A true 10/10 episode to me, but I won’t spoil as you’re not there.
@FutoiOtaku Thank you, just the simple fact that it redeemed it self for you and that you made that clear without spoiling it for me shall be enough that I shall 'hang in there' and Finnish it. :) |
Feb 11, 11:23 PM
Reply to SuntProstMare
i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing.
@SuntProstMare The dungeon thing sure seemed to have some juicy world building going but alas, apperently basic human feelings are to be more mysterious? I honestly didn't dislike season 4 because plot-armor aside at least the party had their own thing, independent of the child with said armor. |
Feb 11, 11:23 PM
Reply to PunGood020
this kid does not have any reading comprehension, you should drop anime and manga alltogether if you are gonna be like this 🤣
@SweatyFingers, @PunGood020 Kid, Ragebait? I'm not a child however I'm not terrified to express my childlike emotions of anger and wonder, unlike angsty teenage boys roaming the net. All I wrote was genuine, so Really? You both clearly need to work on your personal growth here, I find it sad that you would think like this and still have nothing better to do then write this drivel. I don't know if I can help with your comprehension but honestly i don't think you are worth it, I do however wholeheartedly hope you can have some self reflection from this and grow to realize how sad and wasteful it is to actually comment on this if you think I'm wasting your time. |
Feb 12, 12:25 AM
ampand said: Spoiler warning up til' episode 7. *RANT* WHERE THE FCK IS THE DUNGEON. What is this fcking sh*t!? God (freya) damn it. Horrible drama. I mean I could just drop this shit since it's never been good but I actually liked the animation. The story is obviously stupid and this season is just horribly boring fucking gaslight bullshit by a pathetic god. Where is the fucking dungeon and where is the fucking girls. It doesn't even do the whole creepiness and horror aspects of mindfkcery well. It's simply annoying and I rather watch some well written psychological anime to scratch that itch. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE DUNGEONS AND GIRLS. I'm here for the soundeffects and crappy childish ecchi combined with actually good and dark fighting scenes, god damn it i miss last season. Why has half season passed and he's barely questioning anything, he's memory isn't even hazy and he knows what kind of psychotic c*nt that Freya GOD is. I re-watched last season for this, feels like wasted even more time. I know I can simply just skip watching it but because of last season I was actually looking forward to this so the disappointment and rage is not simply because this is pure trash; it's that because this PURE TRASH exists I can not have a good season 5 :@ *END OF RANT* QUESTION: I've watched 6 episodes and absolutely nothing interesting has happens and the only action has been training ground with irrelevant characters + our MC and his universe's lamest attack ever (fireball). Judging by the titles of episodes i assume this horribly bad mind-game and LACK OF main cast, dungeon, girls (NOTFUCKINGgodWH'**EfreyaSHEisNOTaGIRL) and bloody actual death is going to go on until the end? Stupid bot, the girls there all want MC to raid their dungeon, lol |
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp! |
Feb 12, 1:04 AM
Moppit said: You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else. I’ll second that, I agree 100% |
Feb 12, 1:17 AM
Hahahahaha! 😂 This is the fifth season, but you are acting like it is the first. Not every season is the same repeated plot as the title implies, they expanded out with the world building and characters to include many different types of archs, not just “dungeon & girls”, that’s called imaginative creativity. I’m fine with people not liking an anime and presenting constructive criticism that makes logical relevant sense. However, everything you complained about is just your own person preferences, which did not need a forum post about it, just drop the anime, because obvious not everyone agrees with you. Unless your goal was to trigger people and to start arguments? Anyways, I’m enjoying the anime and will keep watching in support. |
Feb 12, 4:37 AM
ejleon said: Hahahahaha! 😂 This is the fifth season, but you are acting like it is the first. Not every season is the same repeated plot as the title implies, they expanded out with the world building and characters to include many different types of archs, not just “dungeon & girls”, that’s called imaginative creativity. I’m fine with people not liking an anime and presenting constructive criticism that makes logical relevant sense. However, everything you complained about is just your own person preferences, which did not need a forum post about it, just drop the anime, because obvious not everyone agrees with you. Unless your goal was to trigger people and to start arguments? Anyways, I’m enjoying the anime and will keep watching in support. Wholeheartedly agree with this statement. 100% |
Feb 12, 5:30 AM
PunGood020 said: SuntProstMare said: i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing. you should join this guy and quit while you are ahead 🤣 what clowns. i wont quit, but saying im clown bcs i shared my opinion? thats childish, i would have understood if i was rage baiting, but clearly im not, dont take It personal. I will continue watching because i like the theme and setting of the anime, but the characters(other than Bell) are awfully written. |
Feb 12, 5:48 AM
Reply to PunGood020
this kid does not have any reading comprehension, you should drop anime and manga alltogether if you are gonna be like this 🤣
@PunGood020 Don't bring up danmachi and reading comprehension please. |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 12, 8:03 AM
Did you even watch the fourth season? The entire thing was in the dungeon. And it’s double the length of other seasons. Not enough for you? Watch something else then. Clearly you didn’t like it anyways so just move on. |
Feb 12, 9:26 AM
Good. The dungeon shit was stale AF. Almost didn't even bother with season 5 because all the stumbling around in the dark last season was such a bore. |
Feb 12, 10:29 AM
ampand said: @SweatyFingers, @PunGood020 Kid, Ragebait? I'm not a child however I'm not terrified to express my childlike emotions of anger and wonder, unlike angsty teenage boys roaming the net. All I wrote was genuine, so Really? You both clearly need to work on your personal growth here, I find it sad that you would think like this and still have nothing better to do then write this drivel. I don't know if I can help with your comprehension but honestly i don't think you are worth it, I do however wholeheartedly hope you can have some self reflection from this and grow to realize how sad and wasteful it is to actually comment on this if you think I'm wasting your time. im falling asleep here man.. could you be any more selfish and self centered? we arent commenting because we think it was nessecary we are doing it because it might make you understand that light novels and anime are fundementally different, and id you dont get the narrative then you have just proven that you dont know jack about it in the long run, just go home kid. |
Feb 12, 10:31 AM
i will continue doing just that, its fitting because this thread began with someone not understanding the narrative and continued watching it without knowing what arc was gonna come next that would not satisfy him in the long run. |
Feb 12, 10:55 AM
Imagine a story temporary took place somewhere else so it can get a different setting for a different type of plot |
Feb 12, 11:19 AM
ampand said: @SweatyFingers, @PunGood020 Kid, Ragebait? I'm not a child however I'm not terrified to express my childlike emotions of anger and wonder, unlike angsty teenage boys roaming the net. All I wrote was genuine, so Really? You both clearly need to work on your personal growth here, I find it sad that you would think like this and still have nothing better to do then write this drivel. I don't know if I can help with your comprehension but honestly i don't think you are worth it, I do however wholeheartedly hope you can have some self reflection from this and grow to realize how sad and wasteful it is to actually comment on this if you think I'm wasting your time. dude it's literally 1 arc, the fact that you made it to s4 means you watched s2 which didn't even have any dungeons, s4 is favoured by alot of people because it reveals alot of lore and has many plot twists which fans enjoy there are some things which you just can't reveal in a fucking dungeon, get a grip bro |
Feb 12, 4:26 PM
i didn't read any of that but how can you watch a anime thats been around for almost 10 years now in it's 5th season and be raging when this series has had multiple seasons where events are not in a dungeon |
Feb 14, 1:39 AM
mc is trash this anime is trash |
Feb 15, 9:35 AM
ampand said: Spoiler warning up til' episode 7. *RANT* WHERE THE FCK IS THE DUNGEON. What is this fcking sh*t!? God (freya) damn it. Horrible drama. I mean I could just drop this shit since it's never been good but I actually liked the animation. The story is obviously stupid and this season is just horribly boring fucking gaslight bullshit by a pathetic god. Where is the fucking dungeon and where is the fucking girls. It doesn't even do the whole creepiness and horror aspects of mindfkcery well. It's simply annoying and I rather watch some well written psychological anime to scratch that itch. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE DUNGEONS AND GIRLS. I'm here for the soundeffects and crappy childish ecchi combined with actually good and dark fighting scenes, god damn it i miss last season. Why has half season passed and he's barely questioning anything, he's memory isn't even hazy and he knows what kind of psychotic c*nt that Freya GOD is. I re-watched last season for this, feels like wasted even more time. I know I can simply just skip watching it but because of last season I was actually looking forward to this so the disappointment and rage is not simply because this is pure trash; it's that because this PURE TRASH exists I can not have a good season 5 :@ *END OF RANT* QUESTION: I've watched 6 episodes and absolutely nothing interesting has happens and the only action has been training ground with irrelevant characters + our MC and his universe's lamest attack ever (fireball). Judging by the titles of episodes i assume this horribly bad mind-game and LACK OF main cast, dungeon, girls (NOTFUCKINGgodWH'**EfreyaSHEisNOTaGIRL) and bloody actual death is going to go on until the end? tell me something, are you interested in only the title or the journey. The anime shows the conplex journey of amn and god while chasing their dream. If you watched the first season, it should be obvious that the nain target is the defeat of 3 great quests and the Dungeon. the Dungeon acts like a final boss, not the rendo. So go along with the journey or quiet and go watch sh*t like Rent a gf. |
Feb 15, 9:37 AM
SuntProstMare said: i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing. then you are still a kid who doesn't understand there is something called a journey of life where not all things are based on one random thing. it has other people and their lives to what do you want the final boss to just come and go to? then go watch solo leveling, which is perfect for impetient public like you |
Feb 15, 9:39 AM
Moppit said: You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else. they haven't gone to something else this is a part of Journey. There are some storylines that are like real life, not holding onto one thing and making no sense later. |
Feb 15, 10:23 AM
KURAIKEN63 said: Moppit said: You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else. they haven't gone to something else this is a part of Journey. There are some storylines that are like real life, not holding onto one thing and making no sense later. I wouldn't exactly call it a journey if they get over it in 2 episodes. There's one with "loner", "weakest", "poor" in title. They become the strongest, or they are not alone in an episode or two. I don't really call that a journey. You never watch the journey of their struggles. More toward the end of it instead. |
MoppitFeb 15, 10:28 AM
Feb 15, 10:28 AM
Reply to Moppit
KURAIKEN63 said:
they haven't gone to something else this is a part of Journey. There are some storylines that are like real life, not holding onto one thing and making no sense later.
Moppit said:
You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else.
You should just stop watching anime altogether. Most shows are like that. They follow the title for the first few episodes and they go to something else.
they haven't gone to something else this is a part of Journey. There are some storylines that are like real life, not holding onto one thing and making no sense later.
I wouldn't exactly call it a journey if they get over it in 2 episodes. There's one with "loner", "weakest", "poor" in title. They become the strongest, or they are not alone in an episode or two. I don't really call that a journey. You never watch the journey of their struggles. More toward the end of it instead.
@Moppit 2 episodes??? did you really focus on the 4 seasons or just pass though?? and about the later part I said that those anime that just give MC all the power with out any story or back story is foolish. and Danmachi is a anime that has a lot of canon in side story and games. So the journey may seem odd but even a only anime watcher could figure this out that this outcome was coming at some point |
Feb 15, 10:32 AM
@KURAIKEN63 I apologize. I thought you were talking in general, not just this one. |
Feb 15, 11:05 AM
KURAIKEN63 said: SuntProstMare said: i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing. then you are still a kid who doesn't understand there is something called a journey of life where not all things are based on one random thing. it has other people and their lives to what do you want the final boss to just come and go to? then go watch solo leveling, which is perfect for impetient public like you and you are a child that doesnt understand that when expanding on a concept you started from It, so you Need to expand on It, i dont want 4 seasons in the dungeon, but having them Explore, having to make decisione, be in danger, that is something that Need to be in the dungeon, bcs the Path of Bell is to become a Hero, to kiss his crush, but whenever the focus isnt in the dungeon i dont understand we are getting this much action OUTSIDE. they could use the outside environment to make world Building, to make Better characters, tell me, what could you describe Estia? Caring? bit titties? thats It, same goes for others other than Bell, the anime/story is focused only on Development in Bell, something that happened in the dungeon(until S5) without giving thoughts to others. Its an anime dungeon, i want depth in dungeon(with real danger) and Better characters outside of It. |
Feb 15, 11:09 PM
anime fans being clowns again |
Feb 17, 9:08 AM
Reply to PunGood020
i will continue doing just that, its fitting because this thread began with someone not understanding the narrative and continued watching it without knowing what arc was gonna come next that would not satisfy him in the long run.
@PunGood020 If anyone would employ a somewhat of a critical analysis of this whole series, it will just break down; this show is far, far, far from being a proper story. This is not the worst LN there is, but definitely isn't nearly as good as actually good literature. We are all here for the shit show, for the fun, to not think. This guy right here, came for a specific reason that was not satisfied, thus he expresses his frustration. Even though he did that in a bit restarted way, such expression of emotions is ultimately good. You yapping about "reading comprehension", on danmachi of all places, is so unbearably cringe; read a book. |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 17, 3:35 PM
HazeShalom said: @PunGood020 If anyone would employ a somewhat of a critical analysis of this whole series, it will just break down; this show is far, far, far from being a proper story. This is not the worst LN there is, but definitely isn't nearly as good as actually good literature. We are all here for the shit show, for the fun, to not think. This guy right here, came for a specific reason that was not satisfied, thus he expresses his frustration. Even though he did that in a bit restarted way, such expression of emotions is ultimately good. You yapping about "reading comprehension", on danmachi of all places, is so unbearably cringe; read a book. you just wasted alot of minutes to write something that for all is "subjective" and yes ive read many books but you dont hear me whining abt the little things of each one 🙃 |
Feb 18, 6:17 AM
Actually the author had originally planned to name this show as Familia Myth or smth like that. But the editor forced him to name it Is it wrong to pick up girls in dungeon? As it would be more catchy and bring in more people |
Feb 18, 7:18 AM
Reply to PunGood020
HazeShalom said:
@PunGood020 If anyone would employ a somewhat of a critical analysis of this whole series, it will just break down; this show is far, far, far from being a proper story. This is not the worst LN there is, but definitely isn't nearly as good as actually good literature. We are all here for the shit show, for the fun, to not think. This guy right here, came for a specific reason that was not satisfied, thus he expresses his frustration. Even though he did that in a bit restarted way, such expression of emotions is ultimately good.
You yapping about "reading comprehension", on danmachi of all places, is so unbearably cringe; read a book.
@PunGood020 If anyone would employ a somewhat of a critical analysis of this whole series, it will just break down; this show is far, far, far from being a proper story. This is not the worst LN there is, but definitely isn't nearly as good as actually good literature. We are all here for the shit show, for the fun, to not think. This guy right here, came for a specific reason that was not satisfied, thus he expresses his frustration. Even though he did that in a bit restarted way, such expression of emotions is ultimately good.
You yapping about "reading comprehension", on danmachi of all places, is so unbearably cringe; read a book.
you just wasted alot of minutes to write something that for all is "subjective" and yes ive read many books but you dont hear me whining abt the little things of each one 🙃
@PunGood020 Dude really thinks it takes hours to write something like that. Can you please rewrite this using any punctuation, I have genuinely no idea what point are you trying to provide. If you mean it as:"you've written all of that, when it can be summarized as subjectivism in art" --- then it is not my point, as I think that art is objective, thus can be put into hierarchies of quality. However, the importance of art being good or not, should be decided to the individual, given his vales and goals. Meaning, that if I want to be intellectually stimulated, I would read/watch objectively good fiction; If I want to be entertained, I would read/watch something that relates to my personal values and goals ---I focus on my emotions and not on the work itself---. Danmachi has shit writing, point ends here. Nobody who read anything beyond 7th grade literature will argue with that. My guy here likes something in it, because it makes him feel a certain way, he goes to a forum to express it, point ends here again. If you were to just express your emotions, I wouldn't have any problem with that, but your, as you think it is, "witty" comment is trying to put him down via some kind of "intellectual standard", you seem like a genuine moron. If we go by the second interpretation of your comment: "all art is subjective" --- Beyond calling you regarded, I would also add that your original comment makes even less sense. There is no reading comprehension in the scope of art, as all interpretation of art becomes of equal value. Any, as well as OP's interpretation becomes absolutely valid, thus immune to criticism; making you a hypocrite. td;dr fuck off my little intellectual. |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 18, 7:36 AM
HazeShalom said: @PunGood020 Dude really thinks it takes hours to write something like that. Can you please rewrite this using any punctuation, I have genuinely no idea what point are you trying to provide. If you mean it as:"you've written all of that, when it can be summarized as subjectivism in art" --- then it is not my point, as I think that art is objective, thus can be put into hierarchies of quality. However, the importance of art being good or not, should be decided to the individual, given his vales and goals. Meaning, that if I want to be intellectually stimulated, I would read/watch objectively good fiction; If I want to be entertained, I would read/watch something that relates to my personal values and goals ---I focus on my emotions and not on the work itself---. Danmachi has shit writing, point ends here. Nobody who read anything beyond 7th grade literature will argue with that. My guy here likes something in it, because it makes him feel a certain way, he goes to a forum to express it, point ends here again. If you were to just express your emotions, I wouldn't have any problem with that, but your, as you think it is, "witty" comment is trying to put him down via some kind of "intellectual standard", you seem like a genuine moron. If we go by the second interpretation of your comment: "all art is subjective" --- Beyond calling you regarded, I would also add that your original comment makes even less sense. There is no reading comprehension in the scope of art, as all interpretation of art becomes of equal value. Any, as well as OP's interpretation becomes absolutely valid, thus immune to criticism; making you a hypocrite. td;dr fuck off my little intellectual. your profile says enough now, dont ever reply with that crap again little man, i dont need any type of literacy talk from little boys who cant take a damn clue. |
Feb 18, 7:42 AM
Reply to PunGood020
HazeShalom said:
@PunGood020 Dude really thinks it takes hours to write something like that. Can you please rewrite this using any punctuation, I have genuinely no idea what point are you trying to provide.
If you mean it as:"you've written all of that, when it can be summarized as subjectivism in art" --- then it is not my point, as I think that art is objective, thus can be put into hierarchies of quality. However, the importance of art being good or not, should be decided to the individual, given his vales and goals. Meaning, that if I want to be intellectually stimulated, I would read/watch objectively good fiction; If I want to be entertained, I would read/watch something that relates to my personal values and goals ---I focus on my emotions and not on the work itself---. Danmachi has shit writing, point ends here. Nobody who read anything beyond 7th grade literature will argue with that. My guy here likes something in it, because it makes him feel a certain way, he goes to a forum to express it, point ends here again. If you were to just express your emotions, I wouldn't have any problem with that, but your, as you think it is, "witty" comment is trying to put him down via some kind of "intellectual standard", you seem like a genuine moron.
If we go by the second interpretation of your comment: "all art is subjective" --- Beyond calling you regarded, I would also add that your original comment makes even less sense. There is no reading comprehension in the scope of art, as all interpretation of art becomes of equal value. Any, as well as OP's interpretation becomes absolutely valid, thus immune to criticism; making you a hypocrite.
td;dr fuck off my little intellectual.
@PunGood020 Dude really thinks it takes hours to write something like that. Can you please rewrite this using any punctuation, I have genuinely no idea what point are you trying to provide.
If you mean it as:"you've written all of that, when it can be summarized as subjectivism in art" --- then it is not my point, as I think that art is objective, thus can be put into hierarchies of quality. However, the importance of art being good or not, should be decided to the individual, given his vales and goals. Meaning, that if I want to be intellectually stimulated, I would read/watch objectively good fiction; If I want to be entertained, I would read/watch something that relates to my personal values and goals ---I focus on my emotions and not on the work itself---. Danmachi has shit writing, point ends here. Nobody who read anything beyond 7th grade literature will argue with that. My guy here likes something in it, because it makes him feel a certain way, he goes to a forum to express it, point ends here again. If you were to just express your emotions, I wouldn't have any problem with that, but your, as you think it is, "witty" comment is trying to put him down via some kind of "intellectual standard", you seem like a genuine moron.
If we go by the second interpretation of your comment: "all art is subjective" --- Beyond calling you regarded, I would also add that your original comment makes even less sense. There is no reading comprehension in the scope of art, as all interpretation of art becomes of equal value. Any, as well as OP's interpretation becomes absolutely valid, thus immune to criticism; making you a hypocrite.
td;dr fuck off my little intellectual.
your profile says enough now, dont ever reply with that crap again little man, i dont need any type of literacy talk from little boys who cant take a damn clue.
@PunGood020 Omg my god, he actually used punctuation? There is hope for humanity. Didn't say anything of value, but sure did express his feelings of frustration towards that. Keep that up, maybe you will be honest with yourself one day 👍 |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 18, 9:43 AM
we spent the last 2 seasons in the dungeon I think this season is a refreshing change up. If the plot only happened in the dungeon then this show would feel less entertaining. |
Feb 18, 10:53 AM
HazeShalom said: @PunGood020 Omg my god, he actually used punctuation? There is hope for humanity. Didn't say anything of value, but sure did express his feelings of frustration towards that. Keep that up, maybe you will be honest with yourself one day 👍 you have a foul mouth little one, dont get too out of hand or your mother might need to spank you, now fuck off and do something meaningful with your life instead of commenting a thesis full of nonsense. |
Feb 18, 11:04 AM
Reply to PunGood020
HazeShalom said:
@PunGood020 Omg my god, he actually used punctuation? There is hope for humanity. Didn't say anything of value, but sure did express his feelings of frustration towards that. Keep that up, maybe you will be honest with yourself one day 👍
@PunGood020 Omg my god, he actually used punctuation? There is hope for humanity. Didn't say anything of value, but sure did express his feelings of frustration towards that. Keep that up, maybe you will be honest with yourself one day 👍
you have a foul mouth little one, dont get too out of hand or your mother might need to spank you, now fuck off and do something meaningful with your life instead of commenting a thesis full of nonsense.
@PunGood020 Please tell me, how would you rate your performance, honestly and sincerely, so far on a scale from 1 to 10? When you are rating it, just responding to my message, or even refraining to respond; Do you feel sensation of pride in your choice? |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 18, 11:24 AM
HazeShalom said: @PunGood020 Please tell me, how would you rate your performance, honestly and sincerely, so far on a scale from 1 to 10? When you are rating it, just responding to my message, or even refraining to respond; Do you feel sensation of pride in your choice? do you feel any smarter after you've responded like this? you are a joke 🤣 go elsewhere with your pitful egotrip edgelord. |
Feb 18, 11:36 AM
Reply to PunGood020
HazeShalom said:
Please tell me, how would you rate your performance, honestly and sincerely, so far on a scale from 1 to 10?
When you are rating it, just responding to my message, or even refraining to respond; Do you feel sensation of pride in your choice?
Please tell me, how would you rate your performance, honestly and sincerely, so far on a scale from 1 to 10?
When you are rating it, just responding to my message, or even refraining to respond; Do you feel sensation of pride in your choice?
do you feel any smarter after you've responded like this? you are a joke 🤣 go elsewhere with your pitful egotrip edgelord.
@PunGood020 Yup. So can you answer please? I am very much interested. |
Anime gave me so many mental issues its not even funny |
Feb 19, 6:00 AM
Reply to SuntProstMare
KURAIKEN63 said:
then you are still a kid who doesn't understand there is something called a journey of life where not all things are based on one random thing. it has other people and their lives to
what do you want the final boss to just come and go to? then go watch solo leveling, which is perfect for impetient public like you
SuntProstMare said:
i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing.
i am Just like you, i loved the First 3 seasons, but the forth was the worst, but i was so Deep in continuing that I didnt dropped, now every detail that annoy me makes me outa lower score on the anime, this season is the same... too much plot armor am the story doesnt expand on the dungeon thing.
then you are still a kid who doesn't understand there is something called a journey of life where not all things are based on one random thing. it has other people and their lives to
what do you want the final boss to just come and go to? then go watch solo leveling, which is perfect for impetient public like you
and you are a child that doesnt understand that when expanding on a concept you started from It, so you Need to expand on It, i dont want 4 seasons in the dungeon, but having them Explore, having to make decisione, be in danger, that is something that Need to be in the dungeon, bcs the Path of Bell is to become a Hero, to kiss his crush, but whenever the focus isnt in the dungeon i dont understand we are getting this much action OUTSIDE. they could use the outside environment to make world Building, to make Better characters, tell me, what could you describe Estia? Caring? bit titties? thats It, same goes for others other than Bell, the anime/story is focused only on Development in Bell, something that happened in the dungeon(until S5) without giving thoughts to others. Its an anime dungeon, i want depth in dungeon(with real danger) and Better characters outside of It.
@SuntProstMare I think I mention that danmachi is a anime that has a lot of canon story. The main concept of it started in dungeon and will end by its creation. But there are other things in life to. If that is just skip and all thin s are just some fighting and nothing else matter than it is nothing but a ids show |
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